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Content is King and Marketing it is Key

Creating great content is the key to any great website and without content marketing, it will never bee seen. Great content must be written in a way to engage your audience, entertain them and give them a sense of value after reading it. It is recommended that each client write their own website copy because lets face it, you know your business best. Sometimes, our clients cannot write their own copy due to time constraints or other factors so our staff of professional copywriters can craft a unique copy on any topic.

Content is Not Just Limited to a Great Story

This is the 21st century and the days of text based websites are over. Welcome to Web 2.0 where anything goes. Our definition of content has evolved from just text to an entire array of media. Videos, images, infographics and feeds have all become part of our lexicon of great content. When Alpine creates quality content, it’s not just a well worded copy, we provide the stock images, embedded video or any other media that will enhance your visitors experience.

All of this interactive media is not meant to detract from a great copy, but enhance it. Your copy must still have all the characteristics of a great story but still needs an additional layer that is unseen by the average user. This is the SEO factor. Not only must your copy read well, it needs a little tuning for that little extra edge of being indexed high in the search results. Every copy is written with a keyword in mind and the densities of it and related keywords are carefully tuned to give you the best SERP as possible.

Content Marketing – Build Your Audience – Get Ranked

Like a great work of art, great content needs to draw an audience and an audience is drawn to great content. Having a dynamic blog with a steady stream of content is a great way to bring visitors to your website using a wide variety of keywords. One of our specialties is blog management and content generation to index your website and provide your visitors with lots of great reading material. A dynamic blog is one of the most effective content marketing strategies and we can develop it to enhance your website and grow your visitor base. The SEO value of a great blog is massive since it provides the search engines with index-able content and readers will often link to it helping to build your link profile.

Contact us to learn more about our content generation and content marketing strategies.